Live broadcast of the event, click here: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram
Records of the colloquium will be immediately available at:
Improvisation Festival, International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation, 17, Institute of Critical Studies
and Fonoteca Nacional, Mexico
Invite to the XXXVII International Colloquium:
Silence-producing machine. Improvisation in and beyond music and the arts
June 26-29, 2024, Mexico City
Fonoteca Nacional
Francisco Sosa 383, Barrio de Santa Catarina 04010, Coyoacán, Ciudad de México
Coordinated by:
Benjamín Mayer Foulkes y Ricardo Lomnitz
Steering Committee:
Gonzalo Biffarella (Córdoba, Argentina), Alain Derbez (México), Wade Matthews (Madrid), Ana Ruiz (Tepoztlán, Mexico), Ana Ruiz Valencia (Medellín).
Ricardo Arias (Bogotá), Rebecca Barnstable (Guelph), Susana Bercovich (México), Ramón del Buey (México), Gonzalo Biffarella (Córdoba, Argentina), Santiago Botero (Bogotá), Rebecca Caines, Alain Derbez (México), Juanita Delgado (Bogotá), Jashen Edwards (Guelph), Ángel Faraldo (Barcelona), Daniel Fischlin (Guelph), Ana Foutel (Buenos Aires), Cees Hamelink (Amsterdam), Ajay Heble (Guelph), George Lipsitz (Santa Barbara), Misha Marks (México), Wade Matthews (Madrid), Lewis Melville (Guelph), David Rothenberg (Newark) , Franco Pellini (Córdoba, Argentina), Ana Ruiz (Tepoztlán, México), Natalia Pérez Turner (México), Ana Ruiz Valencia (Medellín). Kimber Sider (Guelph), Wilfrido Terrazas (San Diego), Ted Warren (Guelph), among others.
Hybrid modality: in-person in Mexico City and via YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.
Sessions in English and French will have simultaneous translation.
No one, nowadays, should stick rigidly to what he or she ‘can’ do. Strength lies in improvisation. The blows that count are all landed with the left.
Walter Benjamin, One-Way Street and Other Writings
A machine. A machine that produces. Silence. A loud machine. Productive. A machine that, noisily, generates silence. We are calling to promote the Studies of Improvisation in the territories of the ñ. There, where the so-called improvised are denigrated, to affirm the originary and founding character of improvisation –which we also like to call extemporization–, understood as the ability gracefully to negotiate the difference between knowledge and its limits, plans and life. As is necessary in all fields of culture, society, politics, science, technique, and the environment. With no exception. From which it follows that in our time, when once again everything is bet on being calculated, it is fundamental to respond with a relationship with improvisation that is affirmative. This is not just any machine. A machination productive of what lies… at the beginning. As well as what comes after. The machine comes before the machine! Silence. Which is why it is a machine… any machine. That machinates its machination. Tacitly.
We are brought together by a program with a large national and international presence (more than 60 participants, both specialists and creators) whose purpose is to delve into critical and theoretical thought related to improvisation, within and also beyond the arts, its importance for different domains of personal life –sensitivity, education, the psyche–, its relationship with technology and nature, and its significance in different social and organizational configurations. Likewise, improvisation will be discussed in relation to literature, the performing arts, history, human rights, and disability. And there will also be a variety of events and live concerts. Before. The silence of machination. Making noise, writing. White ink on white paper. From A to Z – plus whatever is missing. We return, then, to the beginning. Right from the start. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh. Making noise, making silence. How strange it is to return, going forward. Gropingly. Gracefully jumping-back. Can you hear, or does the thing refuse to be heard? Our bet is to continue weaving a growing international network of researchers and creators that multiplies its members, its fruits and possibilities with a view to cultivating the field of improvisation to come. Silence. To say. Tend, to depart. Deafening endless silence of the timpani. Where does it come from? What or who whispers the music that brings breath into silence? Which one – the previous or the subsequent? Do you improvise? In atrocious times, what other option do we have? In silence. And if it is not available, then it must be produced! To overcome the din. Breathe. Noisily. Listen.
Monday June 24
9:00 a 9:30 Registration
9:30 a 11:30 Bienvenida. Por una relación afirmativa con la improvisación I
Con: Benjamín Mayer Foulkes (México) y Ricardo Lomnitz Soto (México)
11:30 a 12:00 Break
12:00 a 14:00 Por una relación afirmativa con la improvisación II: filosofía y gestión crítica
Con: Sergio Villalobos-Ruminott (Ann Arbour), Ruud Kaulingfreks (Rotterdam)
Modera: Andrés Gordillo (México)
14:00 a 16:00 Lunch
16:00 a 18:00 Por una relación afirmativa con la improvisación III: literatura, radio, infancias
Con: Eleonora Cróquer Pedrón (México), Rodrigo Ríos Zunino (Valparaíso) y Susana Romo (Guadalajara)
Modera: Gabriela Olivo de Alba (México)
18:00 a 18:30 Break
18:30 a 20:30 Ensamble Crítico
Con: Jorge Alonso (Ensenada) y Benjamín Mayer Foulkes (México)
Tuesday June 25
9:30 a 11:30 Por una relación afirmativa con la improvisación IV: psicoanálisis, música, creación
Con: Susana Bercovich, Eduardo Piastro (México), Juanita Delgado (Bogotá)
Modera: Ricardo Lomnitz Soto (México)
11:30 a 12:00 Break
12:00 a 14:00 Proyectos de investigación del Posgrado en Teoría Crítica I
Manolo Márquez (México), Jacqueline Colmenares (Bogotá), Ana Rodríguez (Quito), Katherine Villa (Bogotá), Claudia Cardozo (Bogotá), Nancy Moreno (Bogotá)
Modera: Noemí Flores (México)
14:00 a 16:00 Lunch
16:00 a 18:00 Reunión de la Sociedad de Estudiantes del Posgrado en Teoría Crítica
18:00 a 18:30 Break
18:30 a 20:30 Máquina productora de acontecimientos: un recorrido por las publicaciones de 17, Editorial.
Con: Benjamín Mayer Foulkes (México)
Wednesday June 26
9:30 a 11:30 Reunión de estudiantes de Posgrado en Teoría Crítica, por generaciones
Primer ingreso, con Benjamín Mayer Foulkes
Etapa de asignaturas Optativas (2o y 3er semestre de la Maestría), Andrés Gordillo y Eleonora Cróquer Pedrón
Etapa de investigación (4o semestre de la Maestría, doctorantes y posdoctorantes), con Noemí Flores y Beatriz Miranda Galarza
11:30 a 12:00 Break
12:00 a 14:00 Investigaciones en curso del Posgrado en Teoría Crítica II
María Zorrilla (México), Omar Fraire (Charlottesville), Alonso Posada (México), Laura María Orozco (México), Ann Vermeire (México), Marco Antonio Alcalá (Monterrey)
Modera: Rodrigo Ponce (México)
14:00 a 16:00 Lunch
16:00 a 18:00 Tentativas sobre la improvisación desde el Posgrado en Teoría Crítica
Con: Carlos de la Torre (Gudalajara), Karina Aranda, Jorge Atala, Gabriela Olivo de Alba, Ricardo Lomnitz Soto (México)
Modera: Eleonora Cróquer Pedrón (México)
18:00 a 18:30 Break
18:30 a 20:30 Inauguración del Improv Fest 2024
Bienvenida por parte de Benjamín Mayer Foulkes, director de 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos
Concierto I: Sentire (Seña y Verbo + Liminar), con: Eduardo Domínguez, Socorro Casillas, Antonio Zacruz, Carlos Iturralde y Omar López (México)
Modera: Benjamín Mayer Foulkes (México)
Bienvenida por parte de Francisco «Tito» Rivas, director de la Fonoteca Nacional
Bienvenida por parte de Ajay Heble, director del International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation
Bienvenida por parte del Consejo de Improvisación de 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos: Ana Ruiz (Tepoztlán), Ana Ruiz Valencia (Bogotá), Alain Derbez (México), Gonzalo Biffarella, (Córdoba, Argentina), Wade Matthews (Madrid), Ricardo Lomnitz Soto (México)
Thursday June 27
9:00 a 9:30 Registration
9:30 a 11:30 Pensar
Mesa: Wade Matthews (Madrid), Ajay Heble (Guelph)
Modera: Ricardo Lomnitz Soto (México)
11:30 a 12:00 Break
12:00 a 14:00 Subjetivar
Mesa: Gonzalo Biffarella (Córdoba, Argentina), Alain Derbez (México), Rebecca Barnstaple (Guelph)
Modera: Ana Ruiz (México)
14:00 a 16:00 Lunch
16:00 a 18:00 Presentations
Improvisación en relevos.
Con: Santiago Botero, Juanita Delgado (Bogotá), Franco Pellini, Gonzalo Biffarella (Córdoba, Argentina), Jashen Edwards (Guelph), Carlos Alegre , Remi Álvarez, Gibrán Andrade, Vania Fortuna, María Goded, Maricarmen Graue, Carlos Grecco, Andrés Guadarrama, Emiliano Cruz, Ángel Florido, Rossana Lara, Ricardo Lomnitz Soto, Eli Piña, Roberto Tercero, Ollin Vázquez, Darío Bernal-Villegas, Fernando Vigueras, (México)
Coordina y modera: Wade Matthews (Madrid)
18:00 a 18:30 Break
18:30 a 20:30 Presentations
Concierto II: Trío Lesión (Ana Ruiz Valencia, María «Mange» Valencia, Santiago Botero [Bogotá])
Concierto III: Ellen Waterman (Ottawa), Juanita Delgado (Bogotá), Jashen Edwards (Guelph), Fernando Vigueras (México),
Modera: Gonzalo Biffarella (Córdoba, Argentina)
Friday June 28
9:30 a 11:30 Implementar
Mesa: Ángel Faraldo (Barcelona), David Rothenberg (Newark), Kimber Sider (Guelph)
Modera: Ajay Heble (Guelph)
11:30 a 12:00 Break
12:00 a 14:00 Conversación
Con: Francisco Téllez (México)
Presentador: Benjamín Mayer Foulkes (México)
Concierto IV: Germán Bringas, Todd Clouser, Darío Bernal, Adriana Camacho (México)
Modera: Ana Ruiz (México)
14:00 a 16:00 Lunch
16:00 a 18:00 Estudios Críticos de la Improvisación: genealogías
Panel: Ajay Heble, Daniel Fischlin, Jashen Edwards (Guelph), Ellen Waterman (Ottawa)
Modera: Wade Matthews (Madrid)
18:00 a 18:30 Break
18:30 a 20:30 Presentations
Concierto V: Ricardo Arias (Bogotá), Rebecca Barnstaple (Guelph), Arcangelo Constantini (México), Gudinni Cortina, Juanjosé Rivas, Doris Steinbichler (México)
Concierto VI: Wade Matthews (Madrid), Gonzalo Biffarella, Franco Pellini (Córdoba, Argentina), Ramón del Buey (México)
Modera: Ana Ruiz Valencia (Bogotá)
Saturday June 29
9:30 a 11:30 Colaborar
Rebecca Caines (Toronto), Cees Hamelink (Ámsterdam), George Lipsitz (Santa Barbara)
Modera: Francisco «Tito» Rivas (México)
11:30 a 12:00 Break
12:00 a 14:00 Estudios Críticos de la Improvisación: proyecciones
Con: Wade Matthews (Madrid), Ricardo Arias, Ana Ruiz Valencia (Bogotá), Gonzalo Biffarella, (Córdoba, Argentina), Ana Ruiz (Tepoztlán)
Modera: Daniel Fischlin (Guelph)
14:00 a 16:00 Lunch
16:00 a 18:00 Presentations
Concierto VII: Vertical Squirrels: Ajay Heble, Daniel Fischlin, Lewis Melville, Ted Warren (Guelph)
Concierto VIII: ARMS: Ana Ruiz (Tepoztlán), Mauricio Sotelo (México)
Modera: Ricardo Lomnitz Soto (México)
18:00 a 18:30 Break
18:30 a 20:30 Presentations
Concierto IX: Generación Espontánea: Wilfrido Terrazas (San Diego), Carlos Alegre, Sarmen Almond, Darío Bernal Villegas, Alexander Bruck, Ramón del Buey, Misha Marks, Natalia Pérez Turner, Fernando Vigueras (México)
Concierto X: Batería Suspendida: Milo Tamez y Jerónimo Naranjo (México)
Modera: Benjamín Mayer Foulkes (México)